Importance of Accreditation for any institution | American International University

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Importance of Accreditation for any Institution

Importance of Accreditation for any Institution

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Admiration and recognition are something that everyone wants to chase upon their work. There is a solid reason behind this desire is that we are known by people’s opinions about us. For example, appreciation is most important for learners to move forward in life. Likewise, accreditation follows a specific standard that is the new life for knowledge seekers.

Accreditation supports the quality-oriented procedure of examining the educational institutions like colleges and universities that proceed or match the standard of recognition and operational terms and conditions. Accreditation enables the authorities to verify the educational system of an institution and checkmarks upon it.

An accredited university that is exclusive educational institutions develop assessment criteria and activate peer appraisal to evaluate and meet the set mechanism. Institutions or programs that appeal to an agency’s assessment and which encounter an agency’s norm are then accredited by that agency.

Universities are accredited by external authentication through expert judgment, typically along an accreditation body or agency. These accrediting bodies place ranking criteria and frequent standards to which they trust all higher education institutions must attach. They develop associations to conduct the accreditation programs that universities put into one’s own choice. The accrediting body then manages peer appraisals, analyzes the university’s curriculum, and evaluates whether the typical standards are met, and if they do, that institution gets approved.

Accreditors are supervised through voluntary organizations such as the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and examined by the U.S Department of Education. They give a guarantee that all institutions endure a diligent internal analysis and that accreditation standards are frequently being met.

An educational institution that is allocated accreditation has these characteristics:

  • It has a transparently described mission.
  • It has all the facilities to attain its mission.
  • It has developed with the changes in academic levels.
  • It has balanced a superior caliber

Following are the key elements that elaborate the importance of accreditation for any institution.


Many university learners have the adversity to finance their education and commonly rely on financial grants to fulfill their career goals. Accreditation is the key order that flourishes whether you can engage in federal and financial grant programs. The U.S Department of Education secures student loans, grants, and scholarships assigned to students currently registered in a university or college that is accredited and matches the recognized level. Having an enrolment in an unaccredited university is an assured way to decline from these federal and financial support programs.


Getting a chance to study at a university that is fully accredited identifies not only to their reliability and class of education but it can also refer that we will acquire assistance in transferring credits between two accredited bodies. For example, if we have a plan to move from one accredited institute to another, the credits we secure from the previous one will be automatically transmitted or accepted in the new one and we wouldn’t have to begin with the scratch. Contrarily, shifting from a non-accredited institution to an accredited one defines that credits achieved will not be recognized and we’d have to start all over again. 

It is also vital to grab several specific academic programs’ specialized accreditation systems and they only welcome transferring credits from another institution with the same specialized accreditation system.


Accreditation brings splendid bright future chances that are bound with the students’ determination and hard work. But, along with them, one thing that has a benchmark is that many giants demand graduates to have attended an accredited institution. And even if it is not required, having an accredited institution leaves an impact that is both strong and fresh to get hired quickly and easily. Among the most competitive of professions, this could make a difference in the distinction of job offers we gain throughout our life.


Accreditation helps to build the positive image of an institution and this is impossible without qualified and experienced faculty members. Analyzing the strength of the faculty members involves looking at their publication and presentation history - Factors that demonstrate expertise in their profession and among peers. In the case of practitioners, their specializations and years of experience in the field count as their specifications. Accredited Institutions’ faculty members have the power to transform and evolve’ mindset of learners which is the need of the hour.


With accreditation, it’s not only the worth of education that matters but also the relevancy and currency it has in the prescribed curriculums. This is becoming increasingly significant as technology, globalization and other factors are changing many professions and industries at a faster rate than ever. This has led us to academic programming and the tools and resources like the software students use must be up to date with industry standards and best practices. It also describes the skills of the faculty teaching within the programs that must be current in their field of instruction.


Acknowledgment regarding the significance of accreditation for any institution is good to know. We are living in an age where every day the competition gets tougher than ever when we talk about education. Online degree programs push learners to know more and lead towards the evolution of this fast-paced modern globe.

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